Wallery is an excellent alternative to Visible Tweets


allery is an excellent alternative to Visible Tweets twitter wall.

It comes feature-packed, with a free plan and doesn’t require third party plugins like Visible Tweets does – those are some of the reasons we believe that Wallery is an excellent alternative to Visible Tweets.

In this post, we are sharing with you some of the reasons why you should consider Wallery as your next social media wall and also as an alternative to Visible Tweets.

Visible Tweets is a fine product, but we believe Wallery offers the superior experience, more customization and moderation options, and it is much safer to use since Visible Tweets uses Flash plugins while Wallery is virtually plugin-free making the Wallery an excellent alternative.

Free forever is the first of many reasons why Wallery is an excellent alternative to Visible Tweets

Wallery – our social media wall solution – comes with several available plans. The free plan enables you to create simple, beautiful and engaging Twitter walls. You can choose from a number of preselected designs and can adjust animation to best suit your needs. Paid plans offer even more options and the ability to create a uniquely yours experience. Display your logo, create your own backgrounds, add more content sources and so on!

So if the price is the only reason you are considering Visible Tweets, then you should think about Wallery and our free plan. Also, all our paid plans come with the 7-day free trial, so you get to experience those advanced features risk-free since your credit card is not required to start the trial!

Design that is uniquely yours

We worked with thousands of conferences and events, and one thing is constant – everyone wants to their social media wall or social media hub to be unique. Do you need a custom designed Twitter wall for events? Maybe a branded Instagram and social media wall? Wallery supports a broad range of customizations, and you can even create entirely new designs using your backgrounds, logos, color schemes and so on.

No pesky plugins like Flash or Java needed

We believe users should be the ones in control and we believe that they should be able to experience greatest possible experiences without being locked in by third-party vendors.

We don’t think it’s fair that you must install and use Flash just so that you could see your tweets and content visualized. Flash is notorious for its flawed security and numerous other issues.

Visible Tweets require that you install Flash in order to visualize your tweets.
Visible Tweets require that you install Flash in order to visualize your tweets.

Wired says that “Flash. Must. Die”. They go so far to say:

Because Flash is a closed, proprietary system on a web that deserves open standards, it’s a popular punching bag for hackers, which puts users at risk over and over again. And it’s a resource-heavy battery suck that at this point mostly finds its purchase in pop-up ads you didn’t want to see anyway.

Popular ZDNet gives “13 more reasons to kick Adobe Flash to the curb”. And Gizmodo joins the crowd saying that “Adobe Flash is more dangerous than ever”.

We don’t put you or your users at risk by demanding that you have Flash play installed and available on your system.

At the moment of writing this post, Visible Tweets was using Flash plugin, and that triggered several notifications and warnings on our computers and browsers.

Using Flash leaves you vulnerable to malicious attacks.  It is unfortunate that Visible Tweets can't be used without the Flash player.
Using Flash leaves you vulnerable to malicious attacks. It is unfortunate that Visible Tweets can't be used without the Flash player.

We work on any device and screen

Wallery goes places with you. Since we are purely HTML-based, we work nicely on nearly any display and screen sizes. Smartphones like iPhone don’t support Flash (for good reasons!), but that doesn’t mean you should be denied the ability to see your content while on the go.

You can even embed your social media in your website or an app. In that case, we are calling it social media hub.

You are in control

We understand that you need to have the ability to cherry-pick the best available content. Even in our free plan, at the moment, you get to enjoy the full moderation capabilities. You can hand-pick which pieces of content will be shown on the wall; you can even create lists of users whose content will always be shown or always blocked (excellent for fighting spammers!).

We show your images

We do our best to display images sent with your tweets and, naturally, with Instagram. Sometimes, there are hiccups in Twitter service, and image fails to appear, but in that case, we will still show the tweet and link to the image. That happens extremely rarely, however.

We weren’t able to see images displayed in tweets shown at the Visible Tweets service.

Visible Tweets cannot display images attached to your tweets.
Visible Tweets cannot display images attached to your tweets.

On the other hand, Wallery has no limitations when it comes to displaying tweets with images attached.

Unlike Visible Tweets, Wallery will display any photos attached to tweets on your social media wall.
Unlike Visible Tweets, Wallery will display any photos attached to tweets on your social media wall.

No limits on the number of tweets

We don’t use REST API and we are not rate-limiting your posts and numbers of tweets we can collect. Also, since we are using Streaming API, when people tweet, we get their tweets in Wallery within seconds, sometimes within one second. Many Wallery alternatives rely on REST API and are prone to rate-limits which can leave you waiting for new tweets to arrive for a very long time.

As a free option, Visible Tweets limits your number of searches (hashtags). Wallery, on the other hand, does not!
As a free option, Visible Tweets limits your number of searches (hashtags). Wallery, on the other hand, does not!

We handle all that for you making Wallery a great alternative to Visible Tweets.

In closing

We believe we’ve made a strong case for you to consider Wallery as a powerful alternative to Visible Tweets. We use open and freely available technologies, don’t rely on insecure third-party plugins and we offer rich customization abilities, moderation options as well as support for Twitter and Instagram (more coming soon!) content. Also, you get to enjoy your content in its full glory: We will show your images if you post them as well.

This is not to say that Visible Tweets is not a fine product. It is! However, we believe that we are addressing most common requirements from our customers in a better way, using more reliable and open technologies and thus offer a better user experience. Of course, you, as a customer and as a user, are the judge – we would love to hear your feedback so feel free to get back to us and send us your suggestions, ideas, and critiques using the form at the bottom of this page.

And, lastly, don’t forget to sign-up for free and take Wallery – our social media walls and social media hubs solution, for a test ride.

Vibor Cipan

Vibor is the CEO of Wallery and UX Passion - the team behind Wallery. He’s passionate about design, (agro)meteorology and the great outdoors. He prefers building bridges instead of walls, but hey… "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do".
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